Sunday, September 26, 2010

Elrond: Why I Don't Like Him Very Much.

I don't like Elrond that much. Why? Because 1# he doesn't smile. 2# he's a pessimist.
3# He doesn't want Arwen to marry Aragorn. Well I guess that number
3# is kind of concern. number 2# isn't very inspiring, and 1# he's a pessimist. Though I don't like him very much he's actually pretty smart. 1# he persuades Celeborn to send help to Helms Deep (the elves archers and Haldir hate Haldir). 2# He leads Elendil to the cracks of mount Doom. 3# He finally lets Arwen marry Aragorn. Here is a very funny pic


Your pints truly,
Pippin Took.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The characters of the Fellowship.

This is a very quick post guys. Sorry! Well here it is anyway why I like the characters of the Fellowship:

I think that Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn are the best of pals. I love it how Legolas and Gimli are so competitive to each other. I love it how although they are competitive they become great friends. I think I love Aragorn because of how cool he is. :D Yes, I do think he's cool.
I think that I love Sam because even when Frodo's not acting nice he comes back because and he STILL loves him. And I love Frodo because he's brown haired he can be very gentle and kind and that he and Sam have a very good relationship. I also love this picture because the quote is "I'm glad your with me, Sam." Nice a awesome quote I think!

I think that Merry and Pippin are awesome. There's so many things I can relate to them such as mucking around and just having plain old fun even in the most unlikely places.

Well I actually don't like Boromir very much. But for himself he was a very awesome and brave guy. He wants to protect the ring and even when he gets angry at Frodo for not giving it to him he stays and defends Merry and Pippin from the Urk-hai.
Gandalf is one of those happy, serious, deadly fighting guys. He has a lot of different moods but is a very good friend to everyone who he is fond of.

I hope you enjoyed this post.
Your pints truly,

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Lord of the Rings books.

Here is a funny video of Merry and Pippin. It's quiet annoying after a while :D
Well anyway I think today I will post about the lord of the rings books.

I would actually have to say that the books and the movies  are very different on how they start. Yes, they both start with a prologue but the difference is (or I think). Is that it is very hard to start the books with a HUGE prologue to read first and then your Mummy tells you you can't watch it until you've read the books your like Ahhhhh Well fortunately I didn't have to read them before the movies. But I have actually read the Fellowship of the Ring and part of the Two Towers. Well The Fellowship of the Ring stayed on my shelf for about 3 years because I would read a little bit and then get bored and read a little bit and get bored. :D Anyway finally got up to where they get to Bree and I was like "This is something different it's actually getting good." After that I was reading and reading it. After I finished the fellowship I started on the Two Towers it had a much more entertaining start! I was happily reading along and then suddenly there I had finished half of the book.
But I had gotten up to the part with Frodo and Sam. It wasn't that interesting so I stopped reading it. Not to say that I didn't like Frodo and Sam I like Frodo especially a lot. :D But it just didn't have the same flow. Anyway I think that the Lord of the Rings books ARE in fact very good hard to get into but not my absolute positively fav books.I would say that some of the parts are my super fav absolute fav bits but not all of the book.
The good thing about the movie was it kicked out some of the boring parts.But it is a very good books anyway. I actually only watched the movie early in January (or the first one) So before that it was up to the probing of my older brother Saxon who had already watched the movie and kept asking if I had read it all.
Another thing I like about the movie is that they added in more of Merry and Pippin (in the books it doesn't have them with the fireworks)! So that is one thing I enjoy about it. Another thing is that Arwen and Eowyn are more main. Anyway that's just a few things about the movies I like over the books but I love bit out of the books.
Your pints truly,
Pippin Took.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Today is the Day!

Well today is the first day of the Lord of the Rings week. *applause* And I'm here to Post something. But first I would like to tell you that my name (at the moment) on this blog is Pippin Took. And now for the post.

Did you ever find it sad when Frodo goes to the Gray Havens? I do. The fellowship is all breaking apart and you know there's not another movie after it. But your also very glad that  the rings been ((finally)). DESTROYED!!!!!!!!! Your also glad that Gollums gone and the hobbits go back to the Shire. I think that the Fellowship of the Ring is probably the best movie out of the 3 of them. It has the most creepy stuff in it A.K.A. Black Riders, Balrog and all the things in the mines of Moria. It also has the party scene at the start which (think) is very funny. I even was allowed to watch it before the movie! I also enjoy watching when Merry and Pippin just suddenly fall on top of Frodo and Sam. And Pippin just says:"Oho it's cousin Frodo." And I love it with all the scenes with Merry and Pippin dancing on tables and eating and smoking and another very good part of the Fellowship which I love isy weathertop.
Many a time me and Saxon have wished to have property like the Shire to have all it's hills and trees and all of the awesome grass. Well I'm just rambling on so off I go. I will be on later to post what we did for Bilbo's birthday party.

Your pints truly,