This is a very quick post guys. Sorry! Well here it is anyway why I like the characters of the Fellowship:
I think that Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn are the best of pals. I love it how Legolas and Gimli are so competitive to each other. I love it how although they are competitive they become great friends. I think I love Aragorn because of how cool he is. :D Yes, I do think he's cool. |
I think that I love Sam because even when Frodo's not acting nice he comes back because and he STILL loves him. And I love Frodo because he's brown haired he can be very gentle and kind and that he and Sam have a very good relationship. I also love this picture because the quote is "I'm glad your with me, Sam." Nice a awesome quote I think! |
I think that Merry and Pippin are awesome. There's so many things I can relate to them such as mucking around and just having plain old fun even in the most unlikely places. |
Well I actually don't like Boromir very much. But for himself he was a very awesome and brave guy. He wants to protect the ring and even when he gets angry at Frodo for not giving it to him he stays and defends Merry and Pippin from the Urk-hai. |
Gandalf is one of those happy, serious, deadly fighting guys. He has a lot of different moods but is a very good friend to everyone who he is fond of.
I hope you enjoyed this post.
Your pints truly,
Pippin. |
I feel the same way about all of those characters that you did.
P.S its awesome that you started a theme blog.
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