Well today is the first day of the Lord of the Rings week. *applause* And I'm here to Post something. But first I would like to tell you that my name (at the moment) on this blog is Pippin Took. And now for the post.
Did you ever find it sad when Frodo goes to the Gray Havens? I do. The fellowship is all breaking apart and you know there's not another movie after it. But your also very glad that the rings been ((finally)). DESTROYED!!!!!!!!! Your also glad that Gollums gone and the hobbits go back to the Shire. I think that

the Fellowship of the Ring is probably the best movie out of the 3 of them. It has the most creepy stuff in it A.K.A. Black Riders, Balrog and all the things in the mines of Moria. It also has the

party scene at the start which (think) is very funny. I even was allowed to watch it before the movie! I also enjoy watching when Merry and Pippin just suddenly fall on top of Frodo and Sam. And Pippin just says:"Oho it's cousin Frodo." And I love it with all the scenes with Merry and Pippin dancing on tables and eating and smoking and another very good part of the Fellowship which I love isy

Many a time me and Saxon have wished to have property like the Shire to have all it's hills and trees and all of the awesome grass. Well I'm just rambling on so off I go. I will be on later to post what we did for Bilbo's birthday party.
Your pints truly,
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